1_who are you, getting comforted, are you comfortable? are you cold? do you hate showers? do you love tob e in the water? would you rather watch a film right now?
2_calm and gentle, but vigorous. a mother’s hand. supporting, showing the direction. flexible.
3_quick and nimble, against your wishes. for your health. for your wellbeing. is it? are you well?
4_ refreshed, pouring, sudden waterfalls. all over your face. are you able to breath? are you relaxing?
5_if you don’t want to, if you are falling, this hand catches you. catches but also leads. to where it wants. not you. or maybe you do too?
6_do you know how you look like? do you prefer to be with beard or without? are you scared by the sound? that someone might hurt you?
7_emotions. you are yourself, you act. do you feel it? are you aware of your being?
8_you learnt it when you were young, when you were speaking a lot. when you were lively, running. full of energy, always. i don’t remember it. but the childhood videos document it. do you feel funny? i bet you do.
9_relieved, fresh, clean. survived the cold, the wetness. are you thankful? do you know who cares about you? do you care? are you aware that you are a young man?
10_somehow you can care, for yourself. you can do things. you are active. are you aware?